The Married Series is an annual marriage empowerment initiative hosted by Dinma & Nedum Nwobi as part of their wedding anniversary celebration. Our primary goal is to inspire and educate married couples, providing them with timeless wisdom and practical life experiences to create and nurture their own unique marital bliss.
With Chiddie Anyasodo, unravel the complex interplay between love and past traumas. Learn to distinguish genuine love from unhealthy attachments and discover the importance of emotional healing in cultivating a harmonious relationship.
Chiemezie Ofodum guides you through evaluating your relationship’s marriage sustainability. Gain crucial insights into shared ideologies, partnership levels, and intimacy that can make or break a marriage.
Join Modupe Ehirim in exploring the various family systems and their impact on marital success. Learn the importance of early, intentional discussions about crucial aspects of married life before you say “I do.”
Engage with Earl Alright and Adetoun Otepola in an open forum addressing your burning questions and concerns about marriage. Discover the power of marriage preparation in overcoming common challenges.